What have we learned today, children?
- Google's corporate motto is: "Don't be evil." (Actually learned today in Intro to Radio and Television.)
- Brits have one-act plays in pubs, not live music.
- Travel to “wherever” – it will “broaden your persona.” Except Mexico. Don’t go there.
- He needs the e-mail number for hot dates.
- The Jeffersons would not have been accepted in Colonial America due to skin color and ambition.
- Homer existed and all of his stories were true. We know this thanks to Indiana Jones.
- Transvestites were okay in Colonial America as long as they wore pants.
- Pre-Industrial Revolution British nobles were forever throwing metal fences up, harshing their peasants' mellows.
- Tobacco is actually spelled "tabacco." And cacao is spelled "cacoa." Although he might have been trying to write "cocoa," in which case he apparently holds a well-cherished belief that the letter "o" should never be the second letter in a word.
- Salt is bad for you.
- Gandhi wore serapes and was fond of lewd gestures.
- The Poor.
- He will see me Wednesday, but only because he's holding my test hostage.
The Poor. ? I think I'm going to love following along this semester!