1. I am not a hipster. I don't mind if I'm not the first person to hear about a band. It bothers me not in the slightest, especially when the band in question gives me hours and hours of happiness as Mumford and Sons has done for me over the past week. Don't care if I didn't hear about them first. I've heard about them now, and I am in love.
2. I actually did hear about Mumford and Sons last year. I just didn't get their album at that time. So there.
I have literally had this album on repeat for a solid week. If I'm listening to music, I'm listening to this album. (Which is called Sigh No More, in case you're interested.) Even more impressive, I'm not listening to it on shuffle - I'm listening to it exactly the way it was designed, because it seems like it tells a story to me. I love that, which is definitely a factor in my love for Bruce Springsteen (which is a long and storied adoration - Springsteen concerts are akin to religious experiences for me, and yes, I have been to more than one. And even more than one in a given week. So.)
The best way to describe Mumford and Sons is a sort of awesome bluegrass/indie-folk thing that has this great driving beat, which is accomplished by the lead singer, who used to be the drummer for somebody else, and now works a bass drum-tambourine thing with his foot while playing the guitar and singing. The lyrics to their songs are sort of philosophical and fantastic in this regard as well, because there is just something about their sound that clicks with me, so the lyrics are pretty much an added bonus. They could be singing about socks, and I would still listen to it obsessively.
Given my earlier post about CeeLo Green, you may have noticed that my musical tastes vary wildly. This is true. It comes from my background as a musician myself. I can appreciate perfect musical moments whenever and wherever I hear them, so I listen to everything. On this album, there are countless perfect musical moments. Ones where I still get goosebumps and my throat gets tight because it's just so right. And that's after listening to the album approximately 100 times in a row.
To prove my point, here's a video of their song "The Cave," which is one of my favorite songs on this album.
Buy this album. BUY IT NOW. I get absolutely nothing from telling you this, except the knowledge that if other people buy this album, the world automatically becomes a better place.
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