Monday, May 23, 2011

US History 2: This Course Requires A Map Test.

The Summer semester has started!  Today, actually.  And it started with a bang.  Apparently because we're on a condensed schedule, we are going to make the very most of every single second, by the power of Greyskull.

I have a map test on Wednesday for my History class.  I have to know where Chicago is, among other things.

I don't know where Chicago is, technically.

I have been to Chicago.  I've actually driven to Chicago from my house.  (Or, more accurately, from my friend Christy's house, which is in St. Louis.  But I drove to St. Louis from my house.  It's how I suddenly realized that St. Louis is sort of in the mountains, which I didn't know, despite having been there before.)

Do I get credit for having driven there?  No, I do not.  It's totally unfair.  I can tell you how to get there from here, but I get no credit for that.  I have to find it on a map.

I also have to name all fifty states, locate many major rivers, label all five Great Lakes and several other large cities in America, many of which I have also visited but couldn't possibly find on a map.  Clearly, I have to study.

Here's what I don't have to study.  I have to also find Canada, Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.  I'm pretty confident in my ability, there.

Frankly, I'm just a bit shocked that there's a test so damned fast.  Fortunately, it doesn't cover any material from the book, because I would just be screwed if it did, as I don't have the book.  I have plans to get said book, but as of now, I don't have it.  I'm pretty sure that this makes me a slacker.

The whole map test thing is actually pretty amusing to me, considering I haven't had one since my junior year in high school.  It was a hard one, too.  Which is why I still remember it.  I don't think it scarred me for life, but I guess we won't know for sure until I take this new map test.  If I have a panic attack and start thumping my head against the desk in the Testing Center, we'll know for sure, won't we.

1 comment:

  1. A map test? Seriously? I have a sporadically recurring dream that involves a map test that I'm failing miserably (and in my dream, the test was given in law school, which makes no sense). I feel pretty sure I'd fail miserably in real life, too.

    Did you get your grade on this test? (And if you did and I missed it, I blame my blowed-up computer for that.) Were you able to find Chicago?
