Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Agony + Torture = US History Class

I'm out of sorts today.

My hair is frizzy.  My hands are dry.  I've broken two fingernails since I got up this morning.  It's cold...ish, so I keep having to take off my jacket when I get a bit too hot and put it back on when I get a bit too cold.  I could really use a pedicure.  I'm so tired and so ready for Spring Break that I'm already considering doing the hobo thing and sleeping in my car during the break before afternoon classes.  I'm hungry but the little cafe that does awesome breakfast tacos seems like it's a hundred miles away, and now the choice is do I trudge those hundred miles or do I just suffer?  (You know I'm going to trudge.  Just as soon as I quit being so goddamn lazy.)

And to top it all off, today, I have to go to US History.

Now that I know he can focus, it's a split kind of torture.  Either the class can be the most boring class known to mankind, or it can be a bewildering mass of contradictions that just might send me into a coma of absolute befuddlement.  Either way, I don't wanna go.

But this is what you sign up for, right?  It's a crapshoot.  Some classes are going to be crap, and you're going to hate them.  And some classes you're going to love.  Irrationally, I really like my algebra class, despite the fact that algebra makes me want to punch a baby.  I like the teacher, I like the people, and he makes the subject matter a lot less mystifying and a lot less terrifying.  It's a good class.  I like Introduction to Radio and TV okay, despite the fact that it's not what I wanted and there's this annoying bastard that sits behind me and mutters the entire time in a really deep voice that I can't really decipher but is so constant that it makes me want to be Hermione Granger and turn around and shush him.  I really, really like Business Computing, which is tonight.  (And I realize that I haven't written a word about Business Computing yet, but that's just because I have not yet obtained the vocabulary required to describe the awesome feelings of love I have for the teacher of that class.)

Update:  The jacket is back on and is getting stuffy again.  And I've lost the third fingernail of the morning.  I think maybe I need vitamins of some sort.

I just cannot get over my utter hatred of US History.  Well, not the subject matter - I love US history.  I love history of all sorts.  I just hate this class.  I hate even more that I inflicted it on myself.  It's becoming very difficult not to walk to the front of the class, shove the dude to the side and start teaching the class myself.  I would say "I have no prepared remarks, or a degree of any kind, but I figure I can't do any worse than this joker."  And then I would be arrested for impersonating a history professor.  Then I'd go to jail or something.  Maybe nerd jail.  Do they have jailhouse bitches in nerd jail?  Would I just have to deal with getting pwnd at video games all the time and that's the worst it could be?  I might have to do algebra in there.  This is a bad idea.

Maybe I should just look into having him arrested for the same thing.  Then he can go get pwnd at Call of Duty or whatever and have to do algebra.  Maybe they give you swirlies in there.  He deserves a swirly.  Maybe I should give him one.  Or maybe not.  He might be stronger than he looks, and I'm already tired with frizzy hair, dry heels and hands and three broken fingernails.

Probably I'm just going to have to settle for sitting in the back of the class and liveblogging him while trying to keep my eyes in my head and looking at pictures of babies on the internet.  Goddammit.

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