Friday, March 11, 2011

Got My Test Back.

I've been so mad about this that I couldn't even speak of it for the last day or so.  It's my own personal hurt locker right now.  Except instead of "hurt" that should say "RAGE."

I got an A-/B+.  He can't even grade correctly.

What this means, apparently, is that my actual grade on this test depends on the rest of my body of work.  If it's crap, I get the B+.  If the rest of it is good, I get an A-.

Is that even legal?  I have never heard of this in my life.

Here's what I ended up getting dinged for: he wanted me to cite more historical references on the second essay question, despite my detailed explanation of the triangle trade.  And also, use conclusions.  On a question that says "DESCRIBE."  There is no conclusion - it's a fucking description!

I could use about a thousand exclamation points after that last sentence, but since I am not a hack, I won't.

I am sucking it up.  I am moving on.  Despite my clearly superior essay writing skills and the pretentious little note he left at the bottom of the page.

Oh yeah, and the first page of short answers?  Not a mark on them.  I'm not even sure he read them.  Bastard.

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